From Stokesian suspension dynamics to particulate flows in turbulence


Particle-laden flows span scales ranging from the microscopic fluid-structure interactions observed in cellular biology and microsystems, to the large-scale transport of sediments by turbulent environmental flows and engineering processes. Fundamental to understanding these processes are computational methods and numerical techniques that enable large-scale simulation of these scenarios. The past 30 years have seen great progress in a diverse set of techniques, including LBM, IBM, FCM, DPD, SPH, SD, often in parallel and without discussion and interaction between the developers.
The purpose of this colloquium will be to assemble the leading experts in the computational methods to share the state-of-the-art progress and compare techniques. Additionally, leading experimental researchers will also attend to provide new challenges and ground discussion in the application to physical phenomenon. A particular focus will be devoted to the Force Coupling Method that bridges the Stokesian regime to turbulence-particles interaction.

Organizers: E. Climent, M. Abbas, E. Keaveny

Members of the scientific committee
President, Chairman: M.R. Maxey, Brown University, USA
• Yoshimichi Hagiwara, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Kyoto Japan
• Jeffrey Morris, Levich Institute CCNY, New-York, USA
• Federico Toschi, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
• George Karniadakis, Brown Univ., USA
• Markus Uhlmann, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
• Wim-Paul Breugem, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
• Lorenzo Botto, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

IUTAM representative delegate: D. Lohse, University of Twente, The Netherlands

Topics :

•  Lagrangian and Eulerian approaches for particulate flows
•  Suspension flow at low Reynolds numbers (simulations and experiments)
•  Experiments and simulations of finite size particles and interaction with turbulence
•  New advances on the force balance for solid particles and feedback on the flow
•  Short-range interactions, lubrication, contact and friction modelling and measurements
•  Fixed Cartesian mesh, dynamic re-meshing, automatic mesh refinement, meshless methods   for the simulation of particles in fluids
•  New advances in experimental techniques (MRI, X-Ray, Tomo-PIV, PTV …)
•  Data analysis, machine learning techniques related to particulate flows


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